পদ্মার উপনদী কোনটি? Created August 2, 2024 Reading time Less 1 min Views 12 Q and A, ভূগোল পদ্মার উপনদী কোনটি? মহানন্দা গোদাই বারানসি আত্রাই Answer: মহানন্দা Explanation:
The mixing vat in a factory receives liquid ingredients through six separate value— labeled R.S.T.U,Y and Z — each of which has exactly two settings: open and closed.The mixing vat operator must ensure that each valve is set open or closed according to the following conditions: If T is open, both S and Z must be closed, R and Z cannot both be closed at the same time; If Y is closed, Z must also be closed;S and U cannot both be open at the same time. If the maximum number of valves that can be closed at the same time are closed which of the following must true?
If 15 men can reap a field in 35 days, in how many days will 21 men reap the field?/১৫ জন লোক একটি জমির ফসল ৩৫ দিনে কাটতে পারে। ২১ জন লোক ঐ জমির ফসল কতদিনে কাটতে পারবে?
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